3692 Results

MSF warns of large-scale humanitarian disaster in northeastern Nigeria

An extremely critical health situation is unfolding in the Borno State, in Northeast Nigeria.  A massive relief operation is required to respond to this crisis
Press Release - 27 Jul 2016
Dialysis center in Al-Jumhori hospital in Sana’a, Yemen

Yemen: Dialysis treatment at breaking point

Dialysis treatment centers in Yemen are at a breaking point as they have been struggling since the beginning of the war to obtain materials needed for dialysis sessions.
Press Release - 26 Jul 2016
Migrants Detention Centers Libya 2016
Sexual and Gender Based Violence

TRAPPED IN TRANSIT Refugees, migrants and asylum seekers locked up in Libya

Migrants and refugees in Libya  face harassment, inhumane treatment, violence, slavery and forced labor shown by the hundreds of testimonies collected by teams from people rescued at sea.
Latest News - 26 Jul 2016
Transit Zone on the Serbia - Hungarian Border
Mental Health

Sharp increase in violence against migrants since border closures in the Balkans

The conditions where people are currently living in the transit zones in Serbia are not fit for human habitation in any form of dignity as there is almost no minimum standard met. More and more people are trapped in terrible conditions which is also having an impact on their mental health. 
Latest News - 26 Jul 2016

Charles Ronoh “I'm motivated to keep working against HIV”

Meet MSF fieldworker, Charles Ronoh who has has been working on HIV projects in Zimbabwe.
Fieldworkers Stories - 22 Jul 2016

MSF intervention in Maimusari

The health situation is critical in several cities in Borno State in north-eastern Nigeria, where malnutrition affects a very large number of children.
Videos and Photos - 22 Jul 2016

Nigeria: Health Crisis in Borno State

Malnutrition is so rampant in Maiduguri because of the crisis of the insurgents, Boko Haram. This has stopped people from cultivating crops, they haven’t been going to their farms for quite some time, this resulted in shortage of food and malnutrition kicked in as a result of food scarcity.
Videos and Photos - 22 Jul 2016

MSF report shows price of older HIV drugs decreasing

Trade agreements and pressure on India’s 'pharmacy of the developing world’ pose major threats to access affordable medicines.
Press Release - 21 Jul 2016

Nigeria – Health Disaster in Borno State

The health situation in Borno State in northeast Nigeria is critical.Aid agencies must deploy a massive relief operation to respond to this health disaster.
Press Release - 20 Jul 2016
Inauguration of new Surgical Department in Ramtha Project, Jordan

MSF calls for medical evacuation of Syrian war-wounded into northern Jordan

This call coincides with the opening of a new surgical department within MSF’s emergency trauma surgery project in Ramtha government hospital, 5 km from the border with Syria, to treat the large numbers of wounded.
Press Release - 20 Jul 2016