3692 Results

Syrian: Life after the rubble

Syria’s war, now in its fifth year, continues unabated, with high levels of violence inflicted by all parties to the conflict, and devastating humanitarian consequences for the population caught in the middle.
Report - 7 Jan 2016

Nigeria, Maiduguri: MSF begins surgical activities

In response to recent attacks that caused many injuries, MSF began performing trauma surgery at the hospital on 28 December.
Latest News - 6 Jan 2016

Voices From The Road: Twelve-year-old Malaz from Syria

Twelve-year-old Malaz is from Syria, he suffers from a disease called brain hypoxia, which is when the brain isn’t getting enough oxygen, affecting his awareness, memory and movement.
Patient and Staff Stories - 5 Jan 2016
Central African Republic

Fieldworkers: Jean-Claude Mwitende "Working against the odds in CAR to maintain medicine supply"

Jean-Claude Mwitende, aged 32, returned from the CAR where he worked for 6 months as the central Pharmacy Manager in Bangui, the volatile capital. 
Fieldworkers Stories - 4 Jan 2016

Fieldworker: Dodo Kibasomba "The best part was their acceptance"

Meet MSF SA fieldworker, Dodo Kibasomba
Fieldworkers Stories - 29 Dec 2015

Niger: “Today, Nigeriens know that their children can recover from malnutrition”

Elyse Aichatou is a nurse. Having just left midwifery school in 2005, she was recruited byMSF to take care of malnourished children when the country was being hit by an extremely serious nutritional crisis.
Fieldworkers Stories - 23 Dec 2015
South Sudan

Fieldworker: Zani Prinsloo "you can change the world one day at a time"

Meet MSF SA fieldworker, Zani Prinsloo.
Fieldworkers Stories - 22 Dec 2015

Yemen: “We can’t just stop our life because of the war”

Medical coordinator in Yemen, Céline Langlois explains how Yemenis cope with their daily struggle in this indiscriminate war. 
Fieldworkers Stories - 22 Dec 2015

Obstacle course to Europe: A policy-made humanitarian crisis at EU borders

The world currently faces its largest global displacement crisis since World War II, with approximately 60 million people currently displaced due to conflict, persecution and untenable conditions in their home country.
Report - 19 Dec 2015
Azaz district, Aleppo governorate

Syria: “Life in Raqqa was terrifying”

A testimony by Dr. Marwan talking about why people flee to go live in a safer place.
- 18 Dec 2015