3692 Results

Briefing Paper: Obstacle Course to Europe

2015 will be remembered as the year in which Europe catastrophically failed in its responsibility to respond to the urgent need for assistance and protection of over a million men, women and children. 
Briefing Document - 19 Jan 2016

Fieldworker: Sandra Githaiga "I felt I had a good reason to be there"

Meet MSF's fieldworker, Sandra Githaiga.
Fieldworkers Stories - 18 Jan 2016

Malawi: Mozambican refugees require speedy humanitarian response

Since November 2015, MSF has been supporting local efforts in assisting a growing number of refugees who’ve been crossing into Malawi from Mozambique’s Tete province.
Latest News - 18 Jan 2016

Malawi: Waves of Mozambicans fleeing violence seek refuge

Close to 3000 Mozambicans refugees have fled to Kapise village on the Malawi side of the border and live in precarious conditions. MSF is providing assistance.
Latest News - 18 Jan 2016
Mental Health

Yemen: “Hospitals are places of refuge and healing”

A week after a projectile hit the Shiara hospital, killing six and injuring seven, the general coordinator of MSF projects in Yemen, talks about the situation in the district and in the country.
Latest News - 18 Jan 2016

Sierra Leone: Ebola case confirmed - a day after West Africa was declared Ebola-free

The Sierra Leone Ministry of Health announced on Friday 15 January that a new case of Ebola has been confirmed. While disappointing - particularly only one day after West Africa was declared Ebola-free
Latest News - 16 Jan 2016

Yemen: MSF delivers medical supplies to besieged Taiz

After five months of negotiation, MSF was able today to get a delivery of two trucks full of essential medical supplies into the besieged area of the city of Taiz, in southern Yemen.
Latest News - 16 Jan 2016

Yemen: Third MSF supported hospital bombed

A hospital in northern Yemen supported by MSF was hit by a projectile this morning, killing four people, wounding 10 and causing the collapse of several buildings of the medical facility.
Press Release - 16 Jan 2016

Syria: “My story could easily be the plot of a movie”

A Syrian Kurd from Hasaka, absconded from military service in Deraa, Syria and made a run for Iraqi Kurdistan, a journey that involved people smugglers, minefields and the loss of his most precious possessions.
- 15 Jan 2016

Syria: more starvation deaths in Madaya

MSF calls in the strongest terms for an immediate medical evacuation to safe places of treatment for the most critically malnourished and sick, to avoid further loss of life.
Press Release - 15 Jan 2016