3692 Results

Borehole Diagnostics Tool Kit Operating Guide

Technical Manual on Operating Borehole Diagnostics Tool Kit
Briefing Document - 30 May 2019

MSF Environmental Health Toolkit Community Health Club Handbook

MSF Environmental Health Toolkit
Community Health Club Handbook
Tool kit component 1.2
MSF Zimbabwe mission
Briefing Document - 30 May 2019

Borehole Diagnostics

Borehole Diagnostics:  a structure that is susceptible to physical, chemical and biological processes that may influence its life span, yield and water quality.
Videos and Photos - 30 May 2019

Wash Community Health Clubs Zimbabwe

MSF providing medical care to people around the world. 
Videos and Photos - 30 May 2019
Central African Republic

Central African Republic – “It felt like it was raining bullets”

On Tuesday, 21 May, gunmen (reportedly belonging to “3R”, a local armed group assaulted three villages not far from Paoua, in the North-West of Central African Republic – the way attacks were run is similar: villagers were gathered with the excuse of an urgent meeting, then they were shot at. 
Patient and Staff Stories - 27 May 2019

Violence in North-West and South-West Cameroon: Five Things You Need to Know

Since 2016, clashes between English-speaking secessionists and government forces in North-West and South-West Cameroon have uprooted 530,000 people from their homes, triggering acute humanitarian needs across both regions. Lacking adequate shelter, food, water, and hygiene, people are at increased risk of disease, and violence and restrictions on movement limit their access to medical care. 
Latest News - 27 May 2019

Measles ‘we could not turn away the children.’

The high number of measles cases in Nigeria attribute to a lack of measles vaccination and an insufficient routine vaccination.
Latest News - 22 May 2019

Bangladesh: Births In Adversity

The Rohingya refugee population, living in camps across Cox’s Bazar, remains vulnerable to serious health risks. Refugees reside in overcrowded, tight spaces and continue to live in emergency-like conditions, which increase the threat of potential outbreaks of contagious diseases. MSF continues providing assistance to the refugees and the local community.
- 20 May 2019

Women and children continue to suffer in Al Hol camp

MSF calls for humanitarian assistance to Al Hol to continue to be scaled up, for aid organisations to be given access to all parts of the camp
Press Release - 17 May 2019

“We cannot abandon them” - Treating HIV in a cyclone-devastated city

The destruction caused by Cyclone Idai saw the longstanding HIV response abruptly diminish 
Latest News - 17 May 2019