3692 Results

MSF respond to the cholera outbreak in Nhamatanda district

MSF teams have set up a cholera treatment unit in Tica and are providing logistical support for the cholera vaccination campaign led by the Ministry of Health.
Latest News - 5 Apr 2019

How we respond to a cholera outbreak

Cholera treatment centre(CTC) divided into four areas.
Videos and Photos - 5 Apr 2019

MSF suspends medical admissions in Aden after patient is kidnapped and killed

MSF has put on hold the admission of all patients to Al Sadaqah hospital in Aden following the kidnapping and killing of a patient.
Press Release - 4 Apr 2019

DRC: A day of fun for young HIV patients

In late 2018, MSF staff, armed with paint and paintbrushes, arranged a day of fun and smiles for young patients in the four-bed paediatric ward in Kabinda Central Hospital in Kinshasa.
- 4 Apr 2019

Chimanimani: A community in distress

Communities living in Chimanimani district, in the mountainous province of Manicaland, Zimbabwe, are slowly coming to terms with the havoc wreaked by cyclone Idai.
Latest News - 3 Apr 2019

Mapping the needs: new technologies play an essential role in the humanitarian emergency response

Geographical Information Systems help MSF respond to Cyclone Idai
Latest News - 1 Apr 2019
MSF Southern Africa bi-annual magazine
Access to Healthcare

MAMELA magazine issue 23- December 2018

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa bi-annual magazine - Issue 23, December 2018 Magazine - 30 Mar 2019

Cyclone Idai, Zimbabwe: The first six days

More than 200 kilometres an hour swept down from the mountains on the night of 15 March, heralding after a long dry period the arrival of an immense cyclone, which dumped kilo-tonnes of water on Zimbabwe’s Manicaland province
- 29 Mar 2019

Flooding in Malawi: “This time around, the destruction is more of houses and farm produce”

MSF logistician and community health worker Labana Steven is part of MSF’s emergency team working in Malawi’s Makhanga area to support thousands of people left affected by severe flooding with health and sanitation supplies.
Patient and Staff Stories - 29 Mar 2019

Zimbabwe: Roads destroyed by Cyclone Idai

MSF responds to Cyclone Idai.
Videos and Photos - 29 Mar 2019