3692 Results

Watsan (mapping sources of water)

MSF's watsan team decided to map the water sources used by the community.
Videos and Photos - 29 Apr 2019

LIBYA: Time running out for evacuations of helpless refugees and migrants

Refugees and migrants in Tripoli’s Qasr Bin Gashir detention centre were shot at and injured, according to evidence reviewed by MSF.
Press Release - 25 Apr 2019

Iraq: “We helped, but the Iraqi doctors are the ones who made it work”

Sian Geraty, emergency medicine specialist, from South Africa, describes how doctors and nurses in Iraq dealt with everyday emergencies in Sadr City
Fieldworkers Stories - 18 Apr 2019

Imam Ali Hospital

Imam Ali hospital, Baghdad.
Videos and Photos - 18 Apr 2019

Yemen: War affects everybody, but particularly mothers and children

Coming back from Yemen, Taiz, MSF Operations Manager Christian Katzer gives an account of the current situation, saying that wars affect everybody particularly women and children.
Latest News - 17 Apr 2019

From emergency to recovery: Mozambique one month after Cyclone Idai

One month since Cyclone Idai tore through Beira and surrounding towns in Mozambique, life is starting to return to normal in many areas - but thousands still face challenges with clean water, food, shelter and avoiding cholera.
Latest News - 16 Apr 2019

Zimbabwe: Village health workers turning the tide on HIV– one long bike ride at a time

In rural Zimbabwe, two women, village health workers show even more grit and commitment to serving people living with HIV in their community. Love for their neighbours drives them to cycle an astonishing 120km to the nearest clinic to collect and deliver life-saving HIV medicines for patients.
Latest News - 16 Apr 2019

MSF's response in Mozambique - 5 questions to Monica Rull

Questions for Monica Rull regarding MSF's response.
Videos and Photos - 16 Apr 2019

Back From The Field: Mozambique, Beira - Corinne Torre

The affects caused by cyclone idai in Beira, Mozambique. 
Videos and Photos - 16 Apr 2019

Ebola Outbreak North-eastern DRC

Press Release - 15 Apr 2019