3692 Results
Drug-resistant TB

Isaac Chikwanha on TB: “Manage the patient, not just the disease”

Zimbabwean Dr Isaac Chikwanha is a medical advisor for TB, HIV & Hepatitis C at MSF’s Access Campaign. He first joined MSF in 2009 and has helped treat HIV and tuberculosis in many countries.
Fieldworkers Stories - 23 Mar 2018

Central Mediterranean: European governments are obstructing lifesaving rescue operations

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders (MSF) calls out Italian and other European governments and condemns all actions which prevent lifesaving rescue operations in the Central Mediterranean
Press Release - 22 Mar 2018

Five deadly barriers to effective TB care

Tuberculosis (TB) remains the leading cause of death in South Africa, and yet it is curable. Why have we not overcome this fatal disease?
Latest News - 20 Mar 2018
South Sudan

South Sudan: Delivering healthcare by boat on the Pibor river

What does it take to bring healthcare to a place in South Sudan where none exists? A few tables and chairs, medicines, a dedicated medical team… and a boat.
Videos and Photos - 20 Mar 2018
South Sudan

South Sudan: MSF’s newest project brings medical care to remote locations

Since December 2013, millions have been, and continue to be, displaced as a result of South Sudan’s current conflict. In Akobo, people fleeing from nearby conflict zones arrive on an almost daily basis.
Latest News - 19 Mar 2018

South Sudan: Providing access to basic healthcare in remote areas

Since December 2013, millions have been, and continue to be, displaced as a result of South Sudan’s current conflict.
Videos and Photos - 19 Mar 2018

East Ghouta, Syria: "Doctors and nurses are running on empty"

Most people in East Ghouta, Syria live underground. Medical care is increasingly provided in basements. What is happening there cannot bear the light of day.
- 15 Mar 2018
Mediterranean Migration

Dying To Reach Europe

On 3 October 2016, a joint team from Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and SOS Méditerranée rescued 721 people from an overcrowded wooden boat drifting off the coast of Libya. Of these people, 685 (95%) were from Eritrea, and 197 (25%) of the Eritreans were unaccompanied children
Report - 14 Mar 2018
Rohingya Refugee Crisis

Bangladesh: No One Was Left

MSF estimates that at least 9,400 people lost their lives in Myanmar between 25 August and 24 September, of whom at least 6,700 died due to violence. At least 730 children under the age of five are estimated to have been killed. 
Report - 14 Mar 2018

Zimbabwe: Providing adolescent sexual and reproductive services in Mbare

In Zimbabwe, a host of barriers are preventing adolescents from accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services.
Latest News - 12 Mar 2018