3692 Results

Syria: Saving lives in the rubble of Raqqa

Dr Javid Abdelmoneim, President of MSF UK, describes his experiences of working in conflict-ridden Raqqa, Syria.
Fieldworkers Stories - 3 May 2018

MSF distributes 550 hygiene kits to families in Mosul’s old city

MSF recently distributed 550 hygiene kits and water containers to families who have returned to Mosul’s old city. 
Press Release - 2 May 2018

India: Fighting malnutrition alongside local communities

In Jharkhand, an Indian state known for its diverse tribal communities, the number of people that are malnourished is persistently higher than the national average.
- 30 Apr 2018

Yemen: MSF condemns airstrikes on a wedding party in Hajjah

MSF received 63 casualties in a hospital it supports in Hajjah, following a series of night-time airstrikes on a wedding party that took place on Monday 22 April.
Press Release - 26 Apr 2018
South Sudan

Gift Farau: “I realised what it means to help people who are really in need”

A Zimbabwean nursing supervisor, Gift Farau worked in Pibor, South Sudan, where he developed a new perspective seeing stark realities first-hand and the impact of MSF’s work.
Fieldworkers Stories - 26 Apr 2018

Nigeria: Parched Pulka searches for water

Amidst the conflict in Pulka, north-east Nigeria, displaced people struggle to access basic amenities like safe water.
- 26 Apr 2018

DRC: MSF fights against malaria by offering free health care to remote populations

MSF provides community-based, free health care to 819,000 malaria patients from 61 health facilities all over the country in the DRC.
Press Release - 25 Apr 2018

Jordan: Syrians’ access to medical care at risk

The February cancellation of subsidised healthcare services for Syrian refugees living in Jordan now means they must pay 80% of the ‘foreigner rate’ –a rate which increases the cost of public health care by two to five times.
Press Release - 23 Apr 2018

A mental health legacy that haunts the Malakal Protection of Civilians site

Four years on, the difficult living conditions, the loss of hope , feelings of enclosure as well as limited livelihood opportunities have had an effect on the mental health of those who are trapped in South Sudan
Latest News - 19 Apr 2018

Rohingya refugee crisis: “We don’t have anywhere else to go”

Having fled indescribable violence in Myanmar, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh must now contend with new dangers.
Latest News - 18 Apr 2018