3692 Results

Gaza: "Unacceptable and inhuman" violence by Israeli army against Palestinian protesters

The death toll provided this evening by Gaza health authorities—55 dead and 2271 wounded, including 1359 wounded with live ammunition—is staggering.
Press Release - 14 May 2018
Drug-resistant TB

MSF celebrates International Nurses' Day

There are about 8,000 MSF nurses who are constantly at our patients’ side at all times to provide quality healthcare.
- 10 May 2018

Yemen: MSF-supported hospitals in Sana´a treat mass casualties caused by airstrikes

A series of airstrikes on Monday 7 May by the Saudi and Emirati-led coalition struck near a busy street in the heart of Sana´a, Yemen. 

Press Release - 9 May 2018

Nurses Without Limits

A basic sense of humanity is something Doctors Without Borders (MSF) tries to bring to any community it strives to help, and nurses make that possible on a daily basis.
- 9 May 2018
Destruction in Gaza
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Help Us Save Lives

We provide medical care in countries like Afghanistan, Palestine, Sudan and in 70+ countries.

Libya: Time running out for 800 migrants and refugees held in detention centres

MSF is highly concerned about the fate of around 800 migrants and refugees held in a dangerously overcrowded detention centre in the port city of Zuwara, around 100 kilometres west of Tripoli.
Press Release - 8 May 2018

The desperate tales that drive Gaza inhabitants towards the border

Since the start of the “March of Return” movement, hundreds of severely wounded patients have flocked to MSF’s three medical clinics in Gaza, Palestine.
- 8 May 2018

In Gaza, MSF teams observe unusually severe and devastating gunshot injuries

MSF medical staff report receiving patients with devastating injuries of an unusual severity in Gaza
Press Release - 7 May 2018
Central African Republic

CAR: 6 people killed & dozens injured after outbreak of violence in Bangui

About 60 people who were wounded today amid fighting in Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic, were treated in medical facilities run by MSF.
Press Release - 3 May 2018