3692 Results
Mental Health

In Absentia: describing the toll of war on health in Syria

The impact of booby traps and unexploded devices on people attempting to flee conflicted areas or trying to get back home
- 4 Apr 2017

Mosul, Iraq: "The patients we receive are the 'lucky ones'"

Jonathan Whittall describes the 24-hour emergency trauma care provided by a team of dedicated Iraqi and international staff in Mosul, Iraq.
- 4 Apr 2017

Syria: Explosive devices have deadly impact on people fleeing or returning home

As the frontlines shift in northern Syria, people fleeing their homes or returning to villages vacated by Islamic State (IS) fighters find a deadly landscape littered with mines, booby-traps and unexploded ordnance.
Press Release - 3 Apr 2017

Set to explode: Mines, booby-traps and explosives block the way home

As fighting intensifies across northern Syria, explosive devices and mines are having a devastating impact on civilians
Report - 3 Apr 2017
Mental Health

Iraq: Stabilising emergencies in a pocket of safety

On going conflict in Iraq, has pervented the population from accessing healtcare
Latest News - 31 Mar 2017

Syria: Medical staff and patients killed in an attack on MSF-supported hospital

On March 25, MSF-supported hospital in Latamneh (North Hama) was bombed. Two persons, an orthopaedic surgeon and his patient, were killed and 13 others were wounded.
Press Release - 31 Mar 2017
Mediterranean Migration

Kate Stegeman: “People are fleeing out of absolute desperation”

A South African communications manager on board the MV Aquarius search and rescue ship helped people fleeing to safety in the Mediterranean Sea.
Fieldworkers Stories - 29 Mar 2017

Mali: MSF warns about the use of humanitarian aid for political and military interests

MSF is deeply concerned that the emergency gap – that is the lack of sufficient humanitarian presence and quality response to populations most in need 
Press Release - 29 Mar 2017
Women are waiting for outpatient prenatal consultations provided by MSF at Tenenkou’s hospital.
Activity Report

Perilous terrain: Humanitarian action at risk in Mali

The report Perilous terrain: Humanitarian action at risk in Mali is part of MSF’s project entitled “Emergency Gap”, which aims to analyse the absence of effective and meaningful emergency response in the acute phase of armed conflict, at a time of growing levels of humanitarian crisis and needs.
Report - 29 Mar 2017

Zimbabwe: Preventing cervical cancer

Cervical cancer rates are on the rise worldwide, but particularly in the developing world, where the disease is the leading cause of cancer death for women in many countries, including Zimbabwe, where 5,000 new diagnoses are made and 1000 deaths happen each year. 
Patient and Staff Stories - 28 Mar 2017