3692 Results

Andrius Slavuckis: “Our work is useful and necessary”

An archaeologist-turned-logistics manager worked at two healthcare projects near the frontlines of Yemen’s war.
Fieldworkers Stories - 28 Apr 2017

DRC: Doctors Without Borders fights measles

Since November 2016, the international humanitarian organisation, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), has vaccinated over 675,000 children, and cared for more than 14,000 patients in health zones throughout five of the country’s provinces: Maniema, South Kivu, Tanganyka, Ituri and Equateur.
Press Release - 25 Apr 2017

Measles epidemic in DRC

The DRC is currently experiencing several concurrent outbreaks of measles with epicenter in Maniema region. 
- 25 Apr 2017

Malawi Government considers introducing paying wards into district hospitals

Health advocates express their concern: as the Malawi Government considers introducing paying wards into district hospitals
Press Release - 24 Apr 2017

People trying to reach Europe through Libya are exposed to countless dangers and face arbitrary detention

Doctor Tankred Stoebe spent the month of January in the country coordinating a medical assessment that took him from Misrata to Tripoli. He told us what he saw.
- 24 Apr 2017

Phumelele Trasada: “We take time to understand before we act”

An anthropologist spent four months helping develop MSF’s medical interventions in Okpoko, a slum in the southeastern Nigerian city of Onitsha
Fieldworkers Stories - 21 Apr 2017

Danca Paiva "The needs among internally displaced people are huge"

Population displacement continues in northeast Nigeria, due to military operations and Boko Haram attacks
- 19 Apr 2017

Nigeria: Struggling to survive after losing everything

Thousands of displaced people in Borno rely on aid. They are not free to move outside towns and cannot sustain themselves
- 19 Apr 2017

Violence and insecurity continue to force people from their homes in the northeast Nigeria

The people of northeast Nigeria are trapped in a deadly cycle of violence
Press Release - 18 Apr 2017

Civilians pay the price of renewed, brutal fighting

In the past weeks MSF teams have witnessed summary executions and terror among civilians
Press Release - 14 Apr 2017