3692 Results
Hepatitis C

Niger: Diffa - a region devastated by the Boko Haram crisis

More than 240,000 displaced people and refugees are now living in the Diffa region, in southeastern Niger. Their lives have been interrupted by the conflict between Boko Haram and the armies in the area that has displaced more than 2.6 million people in the Lake Chad Basin.

Videos and Photos - 11 May 2017

Mexico: Forced to flee Central America’s northern triangle

An estimated 500,000 people flee violence and poverty from the Northern Triangle of Central America or NTCA and enter Mexico with the hope of reaching the United States of America. The violence experienced by the population of the NTCA is not unlike that of individuals living through war.
Report - 10 May 2017

Yemen: MSF calls for increased response to cholera outbreak

MSF teams in Yemen are receiving and treating a growing number of patients with cholera and acute watery diarrhea
Press Release - 9 May 2017

Nigeria: Fighting the worst meningitis C outbreak since 2008

MSF Team (Nigeria Emergency Response Unit) is responding to the worst meningitis outbreak in Zamfara and Sokoto.
Latest News - 9 May 2017

Mosul: "You hold yourself together, yet inside you will still be affected"

"Emotionally we are affected by the situation because our community and our people are facing injustices."- Testimonies from South Mosul
Patient and Staff Stories - 3 May 2017

Attacks on Hospitals: Operationalisation of UNSC resolution 2286

One year since its adoption, Resolution 2286 protecting healthcare delivery in conflict had little impact: MSF calls on the UNSC to immediately enforce 2286 content.

Latest News - 3 May 2017

Syria: MSF condemns incursion by armed men into supported hospitals in East Ghouta

MSF will suspend its medical support to the East Ghouta region until there are clear signs that the fighting parties will respect healthcare
Press Release - 2 May 2017

South Sudan: Intense fighting around Kodok forces up to 25,000 people to flee without humanitarian support

Both government and opposition forces need to ensure the protection of vulnerable populations fleeing the fighting in South Sudan
Press Release - 29 Apr 2017

Overview of MSF projects in Mosul and surrounding areas

The hospital in Qayyarah receives wounded people when medical facilities near the front line are no able to cope
Latest News - 28 Apr 2017