3692 Results

Libya: MSF providing health care to refugees and migrants in detention centres

MSF providing health care to refugees and migrants detained in Libya
Press Release - 14 Dec 2016

“We treat malnourished children above the age of five in our feeding centre”

Paediatric specialist Marco Olla worked on MSF malnutrition projects in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State in northeastern Nigeria.
Patient and Staff Stories - 13 Dec 2016

Syria: MSF calls to all sides to spare the lives of trapped civilians in the Aleppo battle

MSF calls on all sides to spare the lives of trapped civilians in the Aleppo battle
Press Release - 13 Dec 2016

Syrian doctors risk it all to save lives

MSF's Mohammad Ghannam sheds light on the appalling medical-humanitarian situation and the dire living conditions of health workers in Syria.
- 9 Dec 2016
Abs hospital airstrike aftermath, Hajjah, Yemen

Saudi-led airstrike on Abs hospital in Yemen cannot be justified as "unintentional error"

MSF strongly rejects the public justification of the bombing of Abs hospital  by JIAT
Press Release - 9 Dec 2016
 East Aleppo –  Inside a hospital destroyed by an airstrike

East Aleppo: Inside a hospital destroyed by an airstrike

Inside a hospital destroyed by an airstrike in eas Aleppo, Syria.
Videos and Photos - 9 Dec 2016
MSF ends operations in Zaatari refugee camp

Jordan: Sealed borders forces the closure of MSF clinic for war-wounded Syrians in Zaatari refugee camp

MSF has regrettably decided to end its operations in its Zaatari facility while the number of war-wounded mounts behind the closed borders.
Press Release - 8 Dec 2016

Syria: “I consider myself luckier than a lot of other wounded Syrians who couldn’t reach Jordan for treatment”

Walid Shbat, 30, lost his leg after being injured by a barrel bomb in Dara’a, southern Syria. Medical treatment in neighbouring Jordan restored his health and his sense of optimism.
- 8 Dec 2016