3692 Results

Dadaab to Somalia: Pushed back into peril

October 2016 marks 25 years of the existence of the Dadaab camps in north-eastern Kenya. Established in 1991 when conflicts in neighbouring Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia forced thousands to flee to Kenya, the camps have swelled to far more than their capacity over the last quarter of a century. Today, 261,000 people, the majority Somalis, call Dadaab home. Consisting of five camps, it is still today the world’s largest refugee camp complex.
Briefing Document - 13 Oct 2016

"He threw me the baby" - Refugees fight to survive sea crossing

A boat full of refugees trying to get to Europe is capsizing in the Mediterranean and a couple is trapped inside. They give their baby to a young relative who makes a brave decision to throw the baby to MSF rescuers. 
Videos and Photos - 13 Oct 2016
Somalian refugees in Dadaab

Dadaab to Somalia: Forced Back Into Danger

The closure of the world’s largest refugee camp, Dadaab in northern Kenya draws near. MSF is sending an urgent call to the Kenyan government to consider alternative and long term solutions in resolving this issue rather than sending hundreds of thousands of Somalis back into the peril of the war-ravaged country they fled from.
Videos and Photos - 13 Oct 2016
Hurricane Matthew Devastation in Haiti

Haiti: Responding to cholera and other medical needs

MSF teams are continuing their assessments of areas of Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew.
Latest News - 12 Oct 2016

“Dagahaley is the place I know as home”

Patient and Staff Stories - 12 Oct 2016

Reaching hospitals in besieged east Aleppo has become a danger in itself

There have been at least five ambulances hit by bombs in the past month; the Directorate of Health reports that only 11 are working now for 250,000 people.
Latest News - 11 Oct 2016
Hurricane Matthew Devastation in Haiti

Haiti: Teams reach Hurricane-Affected areas

Teams from Doctors Without Borders (MSF) are continuing their assessments of areas of Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew on the Tiburon peninsula as well as the Artibonite and Northwest departments as the risk of cholera is very high in affected areas. But the full scale of damage and the exact nature of the healthcare needs are yet to be determined.
Latest News - 11 Oct 2016

East Aleppo still under siege

MSF is calling for an end to the indiscriminate aerial bombing campaign of east Aleppo, for the evacuation of the wounded and sick, for humanitarian aid to be allowed in, and for the right to be upheld of civilian populations to flee crisis areas in a conflict. 
Videos and Photos - 11 Oct 2016
Hurricane Matthew Devastation in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew Devastation in Haiti

In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, which struck Haiti on 4 October, four teams from MSF are assessing the needs at medical facilities and affected communities in five departments of the country: Grande Anse, Sud, Nippes, Artibonite and Nord-Ouest.

Videos and Photos - 11 Oct 2016

East Aleppo: “The city is being devastated in front of us”

Interview / Carlos Francisco, head of mission of MSF for Syria
- 10 Oct 2016