3692 Results
Story from Aden: Mocktar, landmine victim

Yemen: "Helping others on the road to recovery"

Story of Mokthar a landmine victim who works with MSF as psychosocial supporter for other injured who lose their limbs.
Videos and Photos - 22 Sep 2016

South Sudan: Africa helping Africa

Dr Chéride Kasonga, MSF’s expat Congolese doctor just finished his mission in Pibor, South Sudan. He explains why his strong humanitarian values led him to sign on to working for MSF, both in his motherland of the DRC and elsewhere in Africa, because he feels it’s through the organisation that he can best serve those most in need.
Patient and Staff Stories - 21 Sep 2016

MSF response to the outcome of the replenishment meeting of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The Global Fund has reason to celebrate an increase in donor contributions, however, the success of the Replenishment conference should be balanced by the reality of who is at risk of being left behind.
Press Release - 20 Sep 2016

Syria: MSF dennounces deadly attack on aid convoy

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is deeply shocked by the 19 September attack on an aid convoy aiming to help people in need in Aleppo governorate, Syria.
Press Release - 20 Sep 2016
Chad - Medical care for people fleeing Boko Haram attacks

UN Summit on Migration: MSF gives reality checks

UN member states are expected to come together to work on a more “coordinated and humane approach to address large movements of refugees and migrants” and agree upon the New York Declaration.
Press Release - 19 Sep 2016
Rescues of 10 September, Dignity I
United Nations

UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants: Time for Concrete Action, Not Empty Words

On Monday, the United Nations General Assembly will bring together Member States for the first-ever Summit on Refugees and Migrants
Op-Ed - 19 Sep 2016
Activity Report

Reality Check: UN High-Level Meeting on Refugees and Migrants

On 19 September, leaders from all over the world will meet to adopt  the New York Declaration, coming together to work on a more "coordinated and humane approach to address large movements of refugees and migrants".
Report - 19 Sep 2016

"Protect all migrants?" - UN Summit on Refugees & Migrants

UN member states are expected to come together to work on a more “coordinated and humane approach to address large movements of refugees and migrants” and agree upon the New York Declaration.
Videos and Photos - 19 Sep 2016