3692 Results
The Stop Stocks Outs Project South Africa April 2015

South Africa: No more delays Minister Davies – we need medicines

1000 activists march to DTI to demand urgent reform of outdated patent laws. Fix the Patent Laws campaign now comprises 31 patient groups. New medicine report shows how patents stop people accessing nine important medicines
Press Release - 27 Sep 2016
Abs hospital airstrike aftermath, Hajjah, Yemen
Activity Report

Taiz incident report: Airstrike Taiz health clinic

In Taiz City, a MSF Mother and Child Hospital had been opened in November 2015. The area surrounding the hospital was populated by a high number of internally displaced people in living in poor conditions.
Report - 27 Sep 2016

HIV: ‘The Secret Circle’

The ‘The Secret Circle’- a book that chronicles the stories of adolescents living with HIV.
Book - 27 Sep 2016
Abs hospital airstrike aftermath, Hajjah, Yemen

Yemen Abs investigation summary report

This document summarises the findings from the internal investigation of the attack on the Doctors Without Borders (MSF)-supported Abs rural hospital in the Hajjah governorate in Yemen.
Briefing Document - 27 Sep 2016
Aleppo city

Syria: Sharp increase of wounded following days of heavy bombing in Aleppo

MSF denounces indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas and the resulting civilian deaths in the besieged city.
Latest News - 26 Sep 2016
Activity Report

Patent barriers to medicine access in South Africa: A case for patent law reform

Over the past 15 years, HIV activists in South Africa have won significant victories to secure affordable access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment through challenging patent monopolies. The cost of a first line ARV regimen in the country has dropped by 96% since 2000.

Report - 26 Sep 2016

Emily Wanja Wambangu: “Nothing else broke my heart than this.”

Meet MSF fieldworker Emily Wanja Wambangu, who is  ready for her third assignment with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) as a mid-wife activity manager in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Fieldworkers Stories - 23 Sep 2016
Nutrition Screening Benicheikh Borno State Nigeria

Nigeria: “We fled to survive”

An extremely critical health situation is unfolding in this state of northeast Nigeria where many people are either displaced or cut off in enclaves outside the state capital of Maiduguri and are in urgent need of food, medical care, drinking water and shelter.

- 23 Sep 2016

3 Questions on the Berm

Interview with Pavlo Kolovos, who was the Project Coordinator of the Berm project in north-eastern Jordan when MSF was still operational during May/June.  
Videos and Photos - 23 Sep 2016