3692 Results

MSF condemns attack on rescue vessel in Mediterranean Sea

On 17 August 2016, while conducting search and rescue operations off the Libyan coast, the MSF rescue vessel ‘Bourbon Argos’, was approached and attacked by a group of armed men on board an unidentified speedboat.
Press Release - 26 Aug 2016
Drug-resistant TB

In Helmand: “Empty beds are the face of war”

Fighting in Helmand province has intensified and come closer to the capital Lashkar Gah than usual. MSF staff continue running all departments of Boost Hospital, and have a mass casualty plan prepped in case of a sudden influx of wounded. 
Patient and Staff Stories - 26 Aug 2016

Phumelele Trasada: “I had no predecessors so I really had to hit the ground running”

Meet MSF Fieldworker Phumelele Trasada, 30, who has just got back from Malawi, working in MSF’s Nsanje project.
Fieldworkers Stories - 26 Aug 2016
Bentiu POC

South Sudan: Access to healthcare reduced due to increased violence

MSF is deeply concerned by the ongoing inability to access healthcare and humanitarian assistance for tens of thousands of people displaced across the country. Warring parties must ensure immediate access for populations, particularly in certain affected areas around Leer, Wau and the Equatorias.
Press Release - 25 Aug 2016
Yellow Fever

DRC: Massive yellow fever vaccination in Kinshasa

Videos and Photos - 24 Aug 2016
Dec 2013 - 2015: Relentless violence in Unity State, South Sudan

THE STAR: Raising funds for humanitarian aid

Latest News - 23 Aug 2016
Sexual and Gender Based Violence

SUNDAY TIMES: The special hell of Marikana's mining women

Latest News - 22 Aug 2016
MSF staff member examining a child at Site B Ubuntu Clinic
Activity Report

Youth Linkage and Retention

“Youth Linkage and Retention Interventions from HIV Diagnosis to Adult Care Transition in Khayelitsha” presents the findings and ‘how to’ guide of four youth-focussed interventions piloted by MSF in Khayelitsha between 2011-2015. 
Report - 22 Aug 2016
Drug-resistant TB

MSF SAMU HIV/TB News Flash: August 2015

A new treatment regimen for multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB) tuberculosis will soon be piloted by the Khayelitsha project.
Newsletter - 20 Aug 2016