3692 Results
Central African Republic

International Nurses Day: "Humanitarians need to go where no-one else wants to go"

Midwife Carlen Mezendy Ndakala is the delivery room supervisor at the MSF Castor maternity clinic in Bangui. She highlights humanitarian commitment in a large maternity ward.
- 12 May 2016
HIV and DR-TB treatment in Swaziland, October 2013
Drug-resistant TB

MSF response to WHO TB treatment and diagnostic recommendations

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has just recommended that countries move toward shorter treatment regimens. 
Press Release - 12 May 2016

The Book that travelled too much

A story about a courageouss MSF local staffer, Jeremiah, who went to great lengths to ensure continuity of care for his HIV patients in South Sudan who had been displaced by war.
- 11 May 2016

Thousands of South Sudanese refugees living in deplorable conditions in Eastern Central African Republic

MSF Emergency Team brought medical aid in Bambouti, south-east of Central African Republic, to assist thousands of South Sudanese refugees and local population in an extremely remote and isolated area of the country.
Press Release - 11 May 2016

MSF on South Africa’s move toward Test & Treat

Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi announced yesterday in parliament that as of September 2016 the South African public health sector will offer universal “Test and Treat".
Press Release - 11 May 2016
MSF TB Treatment in Mumbai, India
Hepatitis C

Indian patent office grants Gilead Sciences patent

Indian Patent Office has dismissed all the patent challenges (called a pre-grant patent opposition) that were made by civil society and the patent on sofosbuvir has now been granted.
Latest News - 10 May 2016

HIV in children is a symptom of the failures of the AIDS response

Leaders from West and Central Africa urged to mobilise national and international political commitment for an ambitious catch up plan to intensify the HIV response in the region.

Press Release - 10 May 2016

Testimonies of people affected by the Ecuador earthquake

People that are staying in shelters, share their experiences of living through the earthquake and reflecting on what the future holds for them.
Latest News - 8 May 2016
Dr Conor Kenny

The shadow of Syria

Dr. Conor Kenny writes about the psychological effects of bombings and attacks happening in Syria that affect loved one's in more ways than one.
- 7 May 2016

Ecuador: “We want to restore people’s normal daily activities”

Pedernales, in the province of Manabi, was one of the districts most badly damaged by the earthquake that struck Ecuador on 16 April. 
Latest News - 5 May 2016