3692 Results
Measles vaccination campaign in Yida refugees camp

MSF to pull out of World Humanitarian Summit

With regret, we have come to the decision to pull out of the WHS as we no longer have any hope that it will address the weaknesses in humanitarian action and emergency response.
Press Release - 5 May 2016

Bringing down barriers to access lower prices of new vaccines

MSF holds a two-day workshop titled: "Bringing down barriers to access lower prices of new vaccines"
Press Release - 3 May 2016

United Nations Security Council brief speech by Dr Joanne Liu

MSF international president, Dr Joanne Liu delivered a speech at the United Nations Security Council briefing focusing on the impact of attacks on MSF and MSF-supported hospitals.
Speech - 3 May 2016

Eugene Rugwirorusa “I really like engaging in medical activity”

Meet Eugene Rugwirorusa, he just returned from working as a Pharmacy Manager on a medical nutrition project for young children in Niger. 
Fieldworkers Stories - 2 May 2016

Kunduz: MSF’s initial reaction on U.S. military investigative report on trauma hospital attack

MSF cannot be satisfied solely with a military investigation into the Kunduz attack.
Press Release - 30 Apr 2016
Kunduz 1 Month After Commemoration - Geneva

Kunduz: Unanswered questions MSF demands response

An MSF opinion analysis of unaswered question about Kunduz attack.
Op-Ed - 30 Apr 2016

Closure of camp Akcakale

A blog post written by Alison Criado-Perez about the closure of the Akcakale transit camp. Alison is a registered nurse who has worked with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) since 2007.
Opinion - 29 Apr 2016

Hospitals closed or operating on a reduced schedule

Interview with Dr. Mego Terzian, president of MSF, back from a site visit in Libya.
- 28 Apr 2016

Ecuador: “I’m so scared to go back home”

Mariana, 49, is living in a makeshift shelter in Altos de Portete. Here she talks about life after surviving the earthquake and losing her home.
- 28 Apr 2016

Ecuador Earthquake: People remain fearful and nervous

More than a week since a 7.8 magnitude struck Ecuador, the repercussions from the earthquake continue to affect the population.
Latest News - 28 Apr 2016