3692 Results

Zambia: Largest ever oral cholera vaccination campaign underway in Lusaka

The largest cholera vaccination campaign ever undertaken has just commenced in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka. 
Press Release - 9 Apr 2016

Open Letter by International MSF president Dr. Joanne Liu

South Sudan: Nationwide Lack of Essential Medicines
- 7 Apr 2016
South Africa

SOUTHERN SUBURBS TATLER: MSF doctor shares amazing life journey

Dr Eric Goemaere shares how he has actively supported various of MSF's work for the past 35 years in article.
Press Release - 7 Apr 2016

South Sudan: MSF issues open letter on nationwide lack of medicines

 International donors and the broader humanitarian community must take immediate action to address widespread shortages of essential medicines in South Sudan.
Press Release - 7 Apr 2016
Leer & Thonyor - May 2016
Access To Medicines

Nationwide lack of essential medicines in South Sudan

Doctors Without Borders wants to express its fustration that in an already dramatic context of protracted violence and displacement, the warning we formulated a year ago to the humanitarian community and donors did not lead to any structual or decisive action to prevent a countrywide shortage of esential drugs.
Speech - 7 Apr 2016

Fighting Cholera in Tete, Mozambique

Videos and Photos - 7 Apr 2016

"All I want is somewhere I can call home"

Ibrahim suffers from a rare disease that has caused facial disfigurement, he left Syria in February to go to Germany where his brothers are but he is now stuck at the Greece borders. 
Patient and Staff Stories - 5 Apr 2016
Central African Republic

Fieldworker: Adolphe Bakenga “If your team is good the job will be done well”

Meet Adolphe Bakenga, MSF's fieldworker who recently arrived back from working as an anaesthetist doctor in Burundi for six months.
Fieldworkers Stories - 4 Apr 2016

Kunduz: What has been lost

Dr. Kathleen Thomas was on her first assignment in the trauma centre from May 2015 until the US airstrikes on 3 October. She describes a typical day in the hospital and the events that unfolded during the week of intense fighting leading up to the attack.
- 3 Apr 2016

Kunduz, Afghanistan: Six months later

On the grim anniversary of the US attack on our trauma centre, two doctors share personal and powerful recollections of who and what has been lost.
Latest News - 3 Apr 2016