3692 Results

Lake Chad: trapped in deadly violence

Large-scale humanitarian needs go unmet as millions displaced by the ongoing crisis. 
Latest News - 30 Mar 2016
Hepatitis C

At EU-India Summit, India must defend its ‘pharmacy of the developing world’

MSF urges Indian Prime Minister not to cave into pressure from EU to accept trade deal that could harm access to medicines for millions of people
Press Release - 29 Mar 2016
Central African Republic

Fieldworker: Venant Niyikiza “I didn’t join MSF for the money"

Meet Venant Niyikiza, MSF's fieldworker who has just returned from the Central African Republic (CAR).  
Fieldworkers Stories - 25 Mar 2016
Drug-resistant TB

DR-TB drugs under the microscope

This report - now in its third edition - analyses the sources and prices of medicines used to treat drug-resistant TB (DR-TB), examines the key factors that shape the access environment for DR-TB medicines, reviews the research and development landscape for DR-TB treatment regimens, and makes recommendations for the way forward to reach more people and improve treatment outcomes. 
Briefing Document - 24 Mar 2016

Ebola: Activity Update

Operational overview of MSF's activities in West Africa during the Ebola outbreak between 2014 to 2015.
Latest News - 23 Mar 2016

MSF-OCB supported research on Ebola

Two years after the Ebola outbreak was declared in Guinea, OCB has published a review of its Ebola-related research carried out in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, including clinical, epidemiological and anthropological research. 
Briefing Document - 23 Mar 2016

Greece: MSF ends activities inside the Lesvos “hotspot”

MSF ended all medical and water and sanitation activities inside the "hotspot" of Moria, considering the conditions to guarantee the basic humanitarian and protection needs are no longer respected under the implementation of the new EU Turkey deal.
Press Release - 22 Mar 2016
MSF treats DR-TB cases
Drug-resistant TB

Access: Just 2% of people with the severest cases of drug-resistant TB currently have access to new, more effective treatments

Two years after two new drugs to treat tuberculosis – the first in over 50 years – were conditionally approved for use, only 2% of the 150,000 people who need them have been able to access them, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
Press Release - 21 Mar 2016
Drug-resistant TB

New drugs have potential to dramatically improve cure rates for people with severest forms of TB — if access to treatment is improved

Today is World TB Day and Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is using this occasion to call for wider access to new drugs that show promising treatment outcomes for DR-TB patients in South Africa.
Press Release - 21 Mar 2016