3692 Results

Thousands stranded as new arbitrary border restrictions expose refugees to violence

Thousands of men, women and children are stranded between Greece and the Balkans.
Latest News - 24 Feb 2016
Drug-resistant TB

Promising new TB drug priced out of reach for South Africa

A response to the announcement of the new drug, delamanid. Which costs $1700 per treatment course and is far too expensive for many high DR-TB burden and developing countries. 
Press Release - 24 Feb 2016

High vaccine prices hamper immunisation efforts in Africa but not on key vaccination conference agenda

MSF expresses dismay that the serious issue of skyrocketing vaccine prices available in adequate supply is not on the agenda today at the first-ever Ministerial Conference on Immunisation in Africa.
Press Release - 24 Feb 2016
WAJIR, KENYA: MSF warns of future cholera spike

Kenya: MSF warns of future cholera spike

As the rainy season approaches in Wajir in northeastern Kenya, Doctors Without Border is warning that the substandard water and sanitation situation is creating ideal conditions for a future increase in cholera cases.
Press Release - 22 Feb 2016

Statement delivered by MSF’s International President

"Attacks on civilians and hospitals must stop. The normalization of such attacks is intolerable," statement by Dr Joanne Liu, MSF’s International President.
Latest News - 18 Feb 2016
South Sudan

South Sudan: Malakal fighting leaves at least 18 killed, including two MSF staff

After fighting erupted last night in the Malakal Protection of Civilian site in Malakal, at least 18 people are now confirmed dead, two of them MSF South Sudanese staff members who were attacked in their shelters. 
Press Release - 18 Feb 2016

Syria: Civilians under relentless attack

Civilians are under relentless attack in Syria’s five-year-old conflict, with 1.9 million people under siege, borders closed to refugees and rampant bombings of medical facilities.
Press Release - 18 Feb 2016
Violence in CAR. Bangui
Central African Republic

CAR: International efforts to protect civilians fail to stop slaughter

The extreme levels of violence against civilians and targeted killing of minority groups in the Central African Republic illustrates the utter failure of international efforts to protect the population.
Press Release - 18 Feb 2016

Humanitarian standards not reachable for Mozambican refugees in Kapise camp in Malawi.

Whitney Ward, MSF field coordinator in Kapise, Malawi, explains the necessity for increased humanitarian assistance for the over 5.000 Mozambicans who have fled to Kapise village in neighboring Malawi. 
Latest News - 17 Feb 2016

Sudan: Major humanitarian needs as thousands flee fighting in Jebel Marra, North Darfur

Continuing fighting in North Darfur, Sudan, has forced families to flee for protection. These latest hostilities began in mid-January, and to date close to 58,000 have abandoned their homes.
Latest News - 17 Feb 2016