3692 Results

Burundi: MSF treats more than 60 wounded people after a series of grenade attacks

More than 60 people were treated by MSF yesterday after a series of grenade explosions in Bujumbura markets and commercial streets.
Press Release - 16 Feb 2016

Syria: MSF-supported hospital destroyed in attack

An MSF-supported hospital in Idlib province in northern Syria was destroyed in an attack on Monday morning.
Latest News - 15 Feb 2016
South Sudan

Fieldworker: Thembani Sibanda

Meet MSF's fieldworker, Thembani Sibanda returned from Afghanistan in December where he spent nine months as a Supply Team Manager.
Fieldworkers Stories - 15 Feb 2016

Tuberculosis: A huge step towards recovery

Elizabeth Wangeci shares her TB recovering journey. 
- 12 Feb 2016

Pharma Company’s attempt to secure patents for key HIV drugs opposed in India

People living with HIV have opposed patent applications in India for two important HIV medicines, dolutegravir and cabotegravir.
Press Release - 10 Feb 2016

Health system close to collapse in war-torn Azaz district

As heavy fighting in Azaz district,northern Syria, displaces tens of thousands more people.
Press Release - 10 Feb 2016

MSF-supported hospital hit by airstrikes in southern Syria

Airstrikes have hit an MSF-supported hospital in Dara’a governorate, southern Syria, killing three people and wounding at least six, including a nurse.
Press Release - 10 Feb 2016

Fieldworker: Ainslie McClarty “What really stood out for me was the sheer hell that people had been through."

Meet MSF's fieldworker, Ainslie McClarty.
Fieldworkers Stories - 8 Feb 2016
South Africa

Steve Miller to run the Comrades Marathon

Push your limits by helping Steve to raise money as he will be running the Comrades Marathon in May.
- 8 Feb 2016