3692 Results

Up to 3000 people stranded at the border between Serbia and Croatia without shelter

MSF provides health care using two mobile clinics to people stranded with no access to shelter or hygiene facilities at the Serbia/Croatia border.
Press Release - 20 Oct 2015
Central African Republic

Fieldworker: Augustin Majiku "Most people in CAR believe so much in traditional healers and medicine"

Meet MSF fieldworker Augustine Majiku.
Fieldworkers Stories - 19 Oct 2015

Refugee Crisis in Europe: "The determination of the refugees to reach their destination is shocking"

Jota Echevarría has returned briefly from Hungary, Serbia and Croatia where in recent weeks MSF teams have been providing medical services to the thousands of refugees, mainly from Syria, fleeing war and trying to reach the heart of Europe.
Latest News - 19 Oct 2015
Kunduz Hospital After the Attack

MSF launches petition drive for independent investigation into Afghanistan attack

Petition aims for over 300,000 signatures to urge the United States consent to IHFFC inquiry into deadly airstrikes on MSF’s Kunduz Hospital.
Press Release - 19 Oct 2015

Refugee Crisis in Europe: Thousands of refugees and migrants exposed to unnecessary suffering across the Balkans

Thousands of refugees and migrants in the Balkans have been exposed to conditions that pose a real threat to their health as assistance fails to meet minimum standards.
Latest News - 19 Oct 2015

MSF launches petition drive for Afghanistan attack investigation

U.S. Urged to Consent to International Inquiry Into Devastating Airstrikes on MSF Hospital in Kunduz
Press Release - 16 Oct 2015

CAR: Thousands of people flee latest violence in Bangui

On 26 September, violence broke out yet again in Bangui, capital of Central African Republic, forcing thousands of people to flee and seek shelter and protection.
Press Release - 15 Oct 2015
Kunduz Hospital After the Attack

Kunduz hospital attack: IHFFC awaits consent from US and Afghanistan to proceed with independent investigation

MSF has been informed that the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) has been activated. The IHFFC now awaits the agreement of the US and Afghanistan governments to proceed.
Press Release - 14 Oct 2015

MSF Factsheet: Kunduz Hospital Attack

Briefing Document - 14 Oct 2015