3692 Results
Life Jackets Aboard the Borbon Argus

Migration – Abandoned to their fate

Over 300,000 people have already crossed the Mediterranean Sea this year with most of them already landed in Greece. On 26 August 2015 one of MSF’s search and rescue ships, the Bourbon Argos had 800 rescued people on board.
Videos and Photos - 14 Sep 2015

Greece: "We had no other choice but to leave Syria"

Meet Adnan. He is five-years-old and from Aleppo in Syria. When we met him, he was charging around outside the crowded and dirty police station in Kos close to MSF’s mobile clinic.
Patient and Staff Stories - 11 Sep 2015

Syria: “Enough death and siege. Enough blood and misery. Enough.”

A medical practitioner that MSF supports in one of the besieged areas in the East Ghouta area near Damascus explains the horror of August’s bombings.
Patient and Staff Stories - 11 Sep 2015
East Damascus - voice from the field

Damascus, Syria: One of the bloodiest months on record

13 makeshift hospitals supported by MSF in the East Ghouta besieged area, Syria, have reported being almost permanently overwhelmed with violent trauma cases from 12 to 31 August.
Press Release - 11 Sep 2015

Serbia - On the refugee trail: “My dream is peace in Afghanistan”

Standing in line near the van from where MSF runs its mobile clinic people are waiting to see MSF’s team of doctors and nurses who have been running a mobile clinic in Subotica, Serbian...
- 9 Sep 2015
Amman, reconstructive surgical care

Amman, Jordan: Stories of patient treated in MSF's renovated reconstructive surgical hospital

Four patients share their stories of being treated in MSF's reconstructive hospital in Amman.
Patient and Staff Stories - 9 Sep 2015

Jordan: MSF Officially Opens Upgraded Reconstructive Surgery Hospital

Nine years after it was first established, MSF opens a new reconstructive hospital in Amman, Jordan 
Press Release - 8 Sep 2015
South Sudan

Global health community slithers away from snakebite crisis as antivenom runs out

Tens of thousands of people will continue to die of snakebite unnecessarily unless the global health community takes action to ensure treatment and antivenom is made available.
Press Release - 7 Sep 2015

Snakebite: How a public health emergency slithered under the radar

An estimated five million people around the world are bitten by venomous snakes every year. One in ten will die or be left with permanent consequences. Snakebite kills as many as 100,000 people and leads to disability and disfiguration for some 400,000 victims globally each year. 
Briefing Document - 7 Sep 2015

MSF completes cholera vaccination campaign in Juba, South Sudan

MSF together with the South Sudanese Ministry of Health, completes vaccination campaign, vaccinating over 160,000 people in mos affected areas.
Press Release - 3 Sep 2015