3692 Results
Photo story

Logistics - The cornerstone of our operations

Videos and Photos - 28 Sep 2015
Drug-resistant TB

Ukraine: MSF refused permission to work in Lugansk

Humanitarian Committee of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic in Ukraine denies MSF permission to provide critical essential healthcare and medicines.
Press Release - 25 Sep 2015

South Sudan: Treating severe malaria in Bentiu

Videos and Photos - 25 Sep 2015

Fieldworker: Nic van der Walt "At times language barrier between myself and patients was challenging"

MSF anaesthesiologist, Nic van der Walt, talks about his first MSF field assignment in Hangu, Pakistan, where MSF teams manage emergency and surgical services.
Fieldworkers Stories - 23 Sep 2015

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals under the motto “Leave no one behind” will replace the Millennium Development Goals, which have guided development policies, including health, since 2000.
Latest News - 23 Sep 2015

Refugee Crisis: "They are not numbers, they are people"

A testimonial by Lindis Hurum who was recently an emergency coordinator onboard of the Bourbon Argos.
- 22 Sep 2015

Kos: Offering psycho social support

"My two daughters died when a bomb hit my house. I didn’t have time to mourn their deaths as I had to save the rest of my family," MSF psychologist Marina Spyridaki hears this often
Patient and Staff Stories - 21 Sep 2015

Greece: “When the war is over, I want to return to my Syria”

“We took this horrific, dangerous journey because we wanted to make our children’s lives easier, safer and better. There is no future in Syria for our children,” a young mother from Syria currently in Kos
Patient and Staff Stories - 21 Sep 2015

Human Toll of the Conflict in Yemen

Videos and Photos - 21 Sep 2015

MSF reinforces activities in Serbia after Hungary border closure

MSF has reinforced its teams on the Serbian side of the border to Hungary as clashes breakout between Hungarian Police and the refugees.
Press Release - 17 Sep 2015