3692 Results

Meningitis C: “We are still facing the same problem of vaccine shortage”

Interview with Miriam Alía, MSF vaccination and outbreak response advisor, specialised in meningitis. Miriam is one of two MSF staff working in the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision. Patient and Staff Stories - 1 Jun 2017

Meningitis C: “The lack of diagnostics and available treatments are the main challenges”

Interview with Bart Bardock, Nigeria Emergency Response Unit (NERU) Project Coordinator. NERU has been working since February in Nigeria’s Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi and Niger states collecting samples, doing surveillance work and supporting the national vaccination campaign to reduce the impact of the latest meningitis C outbreak. 
- 1 Jun 2017

Nigeria and Niger face another meningitis C outbreak

For yet another year, Nigeria and Niger are facing severe outbreaks of meningitis C. Both countries are part of the ‘meningitis belt
- 31 May 2017

Talia Zongia: “It’s crucial to help in whichever way we can”

A Johannesburg-based administrative assistant spent six months working at a hospital in Tabarre in hurricane-hit Haiti.

Fieldworkers Stories - 30 May 2017

Iraq: 425,000 people have fled west Mosul since February

The conflict in Iraq continues to cause massive displacement and hardships to civilians
Videos and Photos - 30 May 2017

DRC: Malnutrition and disease ravage the settlements around Kalémie

People are dying from preventable diseases, and malnutrition rates are above the emergency threshold.
Press Release - 28 May 2017

DRC: “If we sit back and do nothing, these people will die”

In the areas of Kalémie et Kansimba displaced people are living in informal settlements, have limited access to healthcare, and face alarming shortages of food, water and shelter.
- 28 May 2017

MSF urges G7 to make bold commitments to humane migration policies

Summit in Italy must also tackle key global health issues such as medical innovation and drug-resistant infections
Press Release - 26 May 2017