3692 Results

Niger: MSF teams providing support to vaccination campaign against meningitis C outbreak

MSF has deployed several emergency teams in Niger in order to contain the meningitis C outbreak that has been affecting many of the country’s regions since March.
Latest News - 24 May 2017

MSF accuses Libyan coastguard of endangering people’s lives during Mediterranean rescue

“Many passengers – who had luckily already received lifejackets before the shooting began – jumped off the boats into the sea in fear.” 
Press Release - 24 May 2017

CAR: The situation has reached a new low for the people of Bangassou

New wave of violence in the east of Central African Republic makes MSF intensify its activities
Latest News - 23 May 2017
Central African Republic

“Normally, around 100 very ill patients per day come to our emergency room.”

New wave of violence in the east of Central African Republic takes a toll on the population 
Patient and Staff Stories - 23 May 2017

Yemen: Cholera outbreak threatens to get out of control

Cholera has started to spread in Yemen and nearly 23 500 cases have now been reported in 18 governorates out of 22 according to World Health Organisation. 
Press Release - 22 May 2017

Libya: MSF continues to provide medical care to migrants and refugees detained in Tripoli

Doctors Without Borders continued to provide life-saving and primary health care to refugees and migrants detained in the capital Tripoli during the first quarter of 2017.
Latest News - 19 May 2017

Uganda: Over 900,000 South Sudanese refugees are in need of humanitarian aid

The total number of South Sudanese refugees residing in Uganda is reportedly more than 901,755 and is projected to reach nearly one million by the end of 2017.

Latest News - 18 May 2017
Mental Health

Uganda: "I can’t stop thinking about what is going to happen to me and my children"

86% of the South Sudanese refugees in Uganda are women and children under 18.
- 18 May 2017

MSF provides emergency aid to Congolese refugees in Dundo

More than 15000 people have fled the fighting in Kasaï (DRC) to find refuge in Angola
Latest News - 17 May 2017

Central African Republic: MSF treats 70 wounded in fighting in Bangassou

On Monday, an MSF mobile team finally succeeded in providing emergency medical care to people who sought refuge in the Bangassou mosque, Bangui.
Latest News - 16 May 2017